Health Tip of The Day

Tingling at Night: Feet, Hands and Legs

Often accompanied by pain, spasms, or numbness, tingling night sensations refer to sharp, prick-like vibrations that can be felt in the hands, legs, and feet. 
Although the feeling can happen to anyone, women experiencing hormonal imbalance and other bodily changes are especially vulnerable. 
Nevertheless, understanding the root causes of tingling at night is the first step in combating this troublesome affliction.

Tingling at Night: Feet
Although pin and needle-like pains can occur throughout various other parts of the body, nighttime tingling in the feet is sometimes indicative of poor circulation caused by the inflammation of blood vessels in the body. When the body is unable to provide the feet with the adequate, oxygen-rich blood, a sensation of numbness can occur, followed by a series of sharp twinges.
Having prolonged low blood sugar levels is another common culprit. In fact, most diabetics experience at least some type of nerve damage, with many reporting more intense tingling in the feet at night.

Tingling at Night: Hands
Tingling hands in the night often follows long bouts of immobility. 
Something as simple as resting your head on your hand, lying against an arm, or crossing both arms over your chest can trigger the uncomfortable sensation. 
Neck injuries and poor sleeping posture can also affect feeling in the hands and arms.
In addition, older women entering into menopause are at an increased risk of developing carpal tunnel, the tingling, swelling, or loss of feeling in the hands and wrists. In such cases, greater pressure is exerted on nerve endings in the hand, resulting in a persistent throbbing or prickling.

Tingling at Night: Legs
Much of the tingling that can occur in the legs each night can be traced back to specific moments of trauma. 
While lower back injuries seem to be particularly troublesome, frequently sitting on or crossing your legs are also notable causes. 
As is the case in the feet, another important component of tingling at night seems to be poor blood flow and circulation.
Other potential culprits include the overconsumption of alcohol and low levels of vitamins B1, B6, and B12. 
This is especially true if untreated dehydration and nutrient deficiencies are allowed to worsen at night when the body has used most of its energy for fueling its daytime needs.
Nighttime tingling in the extremities is no laughing matter. Because it varies in its severity, it can be either a mild annoyance or indicative of an underlying health issue.

Diet and supplement suggestions:
· Avoid gluten if sensitive to it
· Avoid heavy metal, pesticides, toxic chemical exposure
· Keep blood sugar stable
· Vitamin c
· Introduce red fruits and vegetables and dark green leave vegetables in your diet or simply introduce supplements like Carotenoids, Flavinoids, Cruciferous.
· Eat Fish or intake of fish oil supplements 
· Wheatgerm plus vit E also helps with this condition.

Before starting a diet change or introducing supplements into your normal routine diet, it is advisable to understand what your needs. 
For free consultation on your skin or well being and weight control contact us on 21651041.

Steve Grima