The Ultra Skin Spatula Facial


We at Anjelica’s are proud to be introducing The Ultraskin Spatula Facial, (equipment designed and manufactured by Shusa Italy), this is a method of skin exfoliation using ultrasound. 

It is a unique facial technique that combines the use of ultrasound with the simultaneous application of exceptional cosmetics.  Through vibrations and heat, the viscosity of the sebum decreases and promotes the removal of comedones. 

The vibration produced by the ultrasound exerts a mechanical effect on the skin surface which favours the release of the excess keratinised cells of the stratum corneum.

Anjelica’s  Ultra Skin Spatula facial is designed to provide a painless facial without leaving skin irritated or redness which is usually associated with deep facial cleansing.

This facial is suitable for all skin types.

Designed to offer

✅ Deep and delicate cleansing
✅ Luminous and oxygenated skin 

✅ Cellular Turnover 

✅ Skin Vitality 

✅ Deep hygiene of the pores

But most of all a relaxing pain free deep cleanse facial.

We invite you to ask about the Ultra Skin Spatula Facial on your next facial appointment, or to book directly by calling us on 2165104177651041.

Anjelica Ellul