
Women’s  Achilles Heel

This healthy tip is dedicated to all the ladies who like me, are approaching or experiencing effects of menopause. If you are , like me, experiencing strange responses from your body, this might be a good read for you. 

When we start to approach this part of our life, our body somehow changes and this would be probably the first time you cannot really understand what is happening to your clockwork system, which in the past years was  always so perfect!

Insomnia, headaches, bloating, mood swings, unfortunately are some of the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.  Many women accept the symptoms of menopause as part of getting older, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can improve the situation by understanding the cause. 

It’s a good idea to plan your menopause journey by thinking about lifestyle changes that will be necessary.   Careful diet planning can help menopausal women avoid the potentially serious health conditions, which are common for women at this time. 

During menopause cholesterol tends to spike, thus putting women at a higher risk of developing heart disease.  Fiber rich foods can help to lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. 

The risk of developing osteoporosis increases around the same time, therefore it is  advisable to introduce a diet containing vitamin D, magnesium and calcium, these are crucial nutrients for strengthening bones.

The skin tends to lose tone and flexibility at this stage of maturity, therefore getting the right nutrients into the skin, with the right type of facial or body skin products and technical treatments or massage is also a plus. 

Diet planning and skin nourishment can help you stay as healthy and happy during this time. 

At Anjelica’s Wellness, we are proud to be introducing new techniques and skin formulas dedicated specifically for women experiencing peri menopausal , menopausal or post menopausal symptoms.

For more information please contact me by private message .  

Anjelica Ellul