Benefits of including carrots in your diet.

Did you know that ?

Carrots contain vitamins and minerals that offer great benefits for your skin and wellness.

  • 73% of our daily requirements of Vitamin A

  • 9% of our daily Vitamin K

  • 8% of our daily Potassium and Fiber

  • 5% of our daily Vitamin C

    2% of our daily Calcium and Iron.

Carrots are crunchy, tasty, highly nutritious and are a known natural anti oxidant.

Apart from being known for their number of health benefits, carrots are also an ideal weight-loss-friendly food. Also important information for those who suffer from high cholesterol, there are medical studies that link carrots to lowering cholesterol. While other studies also show that they are an important ingredient to include in your diet to improve eye health.

In conclusion, while thinking of your Christmas menus, try to include this ingredient, either in a hearty soup to start with, or as a delicious side dish to accompany your mains or as a scrumptious healthy carrot cake to end your magnificent Christmas spread.

In the meantime enjoy your preparations, boost your immunity by choosing the right sources of energy! Healthy Food !

Anjelica Ellul