Cellulite Every Woman's Fear!

Cellulite :  

For those of you, that have not studied skin in depth, this information could be helpful

Cellulite is every woman’s fear and yet most of us suffer from it.  

There are many creams and so called solutions to combat cellulite, I believe that balanced internal organs reflect on our external shell. 

What does this really mean?

Well, in short terms, the  cleaner your diet is, the less toxins your body retains.  This leads to less inflammation, better circulation, less tension and stress.   Of course also less adipose fat tissue, so cellulite formation will not have a chance to overcome the shape of your legs 😁

We can achieve quick, effective and long lasting results if we combine the right intake of food, right exercise, professional treatments with the right massage techniques and supplements if needed.

Try to introduce foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as:

  • Avocado,

  • Salmon,

  • Tuna,

  • Almonds,

  • Blueberries

Add food to your diet that help relax and have a better sleep pattern like:

  • Eggs,

  • Turkey,

  • Beans

  • Pumpkin seeds.

Stop or at least reduce intake of substances like:

  • Coffee,

  • Tea,

  • Chocolate

  • Simple sugars.

Find time in your busy day for some “ME TIME” : try to include:

  • Meditation,

  • Yoga

  • Stretching, 

  • Add use of essential oils.

    Foods  that combat inflammation, including cellulite, are high in omega 3 , derived from fish are the strongest, look for omega 3 that contains certified 8 fatty acids preferably. 

    Increasing red and orange colored fruit and vegetables, in our diet helps to increase carotenoids, (a natural anti oxidant and anti inflammatory extract) which helps to bring down inflammation quite rapidly.   

At this point, a few weeks into your diet, you will start to feel a bit different, as your internal organs react to your new routines, this is when it is also wise to think of improving skin tone,  to control damage cause by cellulite and adipose fat tissue : apart from exercise you need to add cruciferous vegetable extracts, extracts from açaí, pomegranate and green tea, plus a good source of natural derived amino acids, natural vitamins and minerals help to promote further repair and lean mass and promote skin tone.

Of course this is only general information to help you understand your body, every person is an individual and should be treated as such, proper consultations done  by skin experts are a must to achieve safe long lasting results. We try to lead you to the healthiest way to achieve your goals.

We recommend our FREE body expert consultation, which we offer online on zoom by appointment. Contact us by private message on our Facebook page Anjelica’s Wellness or email by pressing the contact us button, to book your slot. 

PS. Credits to google search for pic.

Anjelica Ellul