Why is it important to look at certification when choosing a skin product?

Ingredients, texture, aroma, presentation and publicity plays an essential role in choosing a skin product, but do we really know why we chose the products we chose, and what they could potentially do to our skin, if we chose the wrong product?

Our skin is the largest living, breathing organ on our body. It is important to understand that 60% of what we actually apply to our skin gets absorbed into our bloodstream, which of course is then circulated around all our organs. I could take a quick guess, if you really did know and understood this statement, you would think twice before purchasing and using uncertified synthetic products?

For this reason, I have invested in change as a professional spa therapist. I have committed to use only certified and tested organic, vegan and bio products in my spa. I have also created a method to offer skin and wellbeing consultations FREE of charge to all my clients, to further help them understand what their body and/or skin is trying to communicate to them. Treating our skin and wellness from all aspects, the outer skin, our mental wellbeing and our internal balance by following the right nutrition and lifestyle.

For your free Skin or Wellness Consultation please contact us by email on ellulanjelica@gmail.com or 77651041/21651041. You may also want to like and follow our page Anjelica’s Wellness and message us directly there.

Anjelica Ellul