The importance of skin cleansing

Beautiful skin starts with proper cleansing. This is an important step to take daily to prepare skin for nourishment. Unfortunately many tend to spend little time and attention when it comes to skin cleansing. But as a professional I tend to insist to teach my clients how important it is to focus of making sure the skin is thoroughly cleansed, to really achieve the healthy glowing skin, which I am sure, each and every person desires to have.

Dead skin cells, make up and pollution, need attention and time to dissolve, using the proper cleanser and cleansing methods is a crucial daily routine not to be omitted. This skin ritual is to be definitely applied first time in the morning and last thing at night before going to bed. (sometimes we need to repeat this during the day if skin needs cleansing, or touching up.).

One must understand that it is has absolutely no purpose to use treatment serums and expensive facial skin care creams to nourish your skin if the proper cleansing routine is skipped. In simple words there are no short cuts to healthy, glowing, youthful skin!

When choosing your cleanser, much thought needs to be taken. Always approach a professional who knows your skin, also the professional must also know you, your lifestyle and your normal routine. Choosing the right product range is key to the results you want to achieve. Every brand offers different solutions and different approaches, it is up to the professional to explain the ingredients and method of use.

I choose to offer ranges that are based on nutritional cosmetics, (healthy nutrition for you skin), based on certified bio, vegan, organic and phytonutrients. These products are not simple or easy to understand, thus need a professional skin therapist to guide you for your perfect solution. This is the reason we are dedicating our time to offer FREE online appointments to give you in depth skin consultations, to make you really understand your skin and what can help improve it.

For further information you may call us on 21651041/77651041 or follow us on FB : Anjelica’s Wellness , feel free to like our page and message us directly on our page.

Anjelica Ellul